
Warhol Exhibit in Paris

Ok, so as a native, and somtimes bashfully-admittant Pittsburger...imagine my surprise to find one of the most prominent and influencial artists to derive from my part of town being showcased in one of the newest galleries in Paris. Definitely not down-sizing his stardom by comparison, but Andy Warhol is my pride and joy and only claim to fame(besides the Fallingwater exhibit by Frank Lloyd Wright) so give me a minute to revel. La Maison Rouge in Paris is currently featuring Warhol TV; an exhibit to tribute the late and great artist/socialite/pop-culture queen and voice of blurred sanity himself. I especially loved and had great inspiration derive from the Jerry Hall interviews..so eloquent, yet so edge. Deborah Harry, Yoko Ono...to name a few..were definitely highlights in the videos that I got caught taping by security. If you can make it there, you can make it anywhere...get to Paris!